Our Vision
The Liturgical Arts in the Orthodox Church are the product of two thousand years of liturgical worship in an unbroken continuity; they serve to lift up the worshiper from the earthly plane to the heavenly realm. Because we see a loss of the Church’s traditional worship in America, we endeavor to implement a project that will revitalize the traditional liturgical arts in order to restore the proper power to, and transformative nature of, our worship. Each generation must acquire the skills and knowledge of the tradition and carry it forward as their own living and vital expression of our faith in God.
Our Mission
The Liturgical Arts Academy teaches church leaders and artists the traditional skills and knowledge of Byzantine chant, iconography and other liturgical arts amidst a new culture, a new language and to a new generation of Orthodox Christians in the United States. The Academy strives to revitalize the Orthodox tradition of the liturgical arts in order to restore the proper power and transformative nature of worship of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit for the salvation of all.
TLAA is a member of the Orthodox Christian Academy of Atlanta, with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta.
TLAA Winter & Summer
TLAA Winter (in early February) is for beginner students who want to learn Byzantine chant or iconography. Registration opens in late September. TLAA Summer (in mid August) is for the intermediate, advanced and Master Class students of Chant and Iconography. TLAA Summer students need to apply for acceptance into the program. We begin taking applications and audio samples in mid March. The Chant instructors include John Michael Boyer, Samuel Herron, Gabriel Cremeens, Photini Downie Robinson and the Iconography instructor is Fr. Anthony Salzman. Please visit our website for full details. https://www.theliturgicalarts.org/
For more information
Visit TheLiturgicalArts.org
Email [email protected]