To the Reverend Clergy and Monastics & the esteemed Parish Council Presidents and members of the Metropolis of Atlanta:
My beloved Brothers and Sisters in our Lord,
I greet you with love and joy in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I pray that this summer season has been one of health for all our families. Of course, I know that we are all still living in the era of COVID-19 pandemic, and therefore I wished to offer some some words of continued support.
Certainly, as we are all subject to the infirmities of this fallen world, the pandemic has made life different, and often uncomfortable. However, we must never forget to thank God, because even negativity can produce blessings for ourselves and our society, if we are prepared to see them with a spirit of love and patience.
As we celebrate the many saints of this month: St. Anna, St. Paraskevi, St. Panteleimon, the Prophet Elias--we should do our very best to become intercessors. In spite of these difficulties, we should never forget that we are still able to serve others--just as there are those who are less fortunate and struggling. As an example, I have attached here,
a flyer for charitable drive that our Annunciation Cathedral has undertaken, so that all our communities might continue to live out the spirit of the Gospel, even if it is from a safe social distance.
Just as we seek to uplift others, we look to our Creator to intervene for both ourselves and the life of the world. We especially pray that our Lord enlighten and inspire the medical professionals and scientists who are working with diligence to research the vaccine that our world awaits with patient hope.
Finally, as your Spiritual Shepherd and Hierarch, I offer a personal word of encouragement. Though I understand the lessened travel and small public gatherings are difficult as time passes, I remind you to continue practicing obedience to the local and State regulations. As you can see, the pandemic has not stopped, but rather, it has increased in many places. I also advise our Metropolis clergy, along with the elected and appointed Parish Councils, to take all the appropriate measurements for the good of public health and safety.
With this, I ask all of us to pray for our brothers and sisters throughout the Metropolis, just as I pray for you and your loved ones. I remain,
Yours with Paternal love and blessings in the Lord
+ A L E X I O S Metropolitan of Atlanta